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Chapter & Verse

Chapter and Verse is a company of singers and actors who love music and words, and especially the magic that happens when the two are combined. We want to share this magic with as many people as possible, and to this end we offer themed programmes of sung and spoken words, with piano. Our subjects are varied and many, including "Fur and Feathers", a programme exploring all the quirkiness and delights of the animal kingdoms, evocative portrayals of cities such as Paris, Venice, London or Seville, celebrations of historical events or people, and programmes centred around a particular poet or composer. We are delighted to construct new programmes on request. Our repertoire is as varied as our subject matter; we are determined to go beyond the tired, standard format of the traditional song recital and poetry reading: you may hear Schubert alongside Seamus Heaney, Beethoven next to Betjeman, Noel Coward complementing Kafka, or Debussy with John Donne. Our carefully constructed programmes encompass comedy and pathos, beauty and drama: they are entertaining, perhaps eccentric, often surprising, but we hope always memorable!

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